
PRP Facial (Platelet-Rich Plasma)

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PRP is the gift that keeps on giving because the results just keep on improving for months afterwards.

Nicknamed ‘the vampire facial’, a PRP facial (platelet-rich plasma) is a revolutionary, safe, minimally invasive alternative to cosmetic surgery that utilises topical cell regeneration. We provide this procedure from our clinic in St Paul’s, London.

This is a versatile treatment suitable for anyone wanting to rejuvenate or enhance the general appearance of their skin.

Get in touch to find out more

The benefits of PRP facials

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  • Increase skin elasticity
  • Tighten and tone the skin’s texture
  • Reduce acne scarring, sun damage, and pigmentation
  • Brighten ashy or dull skin
  • Promote hair growth and prevent hair loss
  • Reduce the appearance of stretch marks
  • Lessen the appearance of rosacea
  • Stimulate collagen in the deeper layers of the skin
  • Reduce dark circles under the eyes

The main aim of PRP therapy is to aid cell turnover. Although mainly considered a treatment for the face, platelet-rich plasma injections can be used to rejuvenate any part of the body, including the hands, feet, neck, décolleté, and other areas. 

PRP is next-level self-care. Unlike other treatments, PRP uses your plasma to regenerate your skin cells. When used on problematic skin or the scalp, your platelets stimulate and regenerate the skin cells to treat a range of cosmetic concerns.

“PRP is the ultimate skin and hair rejuvenation treatment for men and women wanting to look more youthful. PRP targets the deeper layers of skin, but effects are seen on the surface in the longer term. It is a safe treatment that has noticeable yet natural results. Plus, many of our clients like that it doesn’t involve introducing something foreign into their bodies because it uses their own plasma with the aid of a simple blood draw from the arm. The science is solid; PRP has been used in orthopaedics for many years to enhance the healing of joint injuries. Like botulinum toxin, the benefits of PRP for the skin were an accidental discovery – a really good accident!”

Dr Harpal Bains

Dr. Harpal Bains

What is PRP+ how does it work?

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PRP therapy is an effective regenerative treatment used by the NHS to treat tennis elbow and other conditions. More recent research shows that it helps with skin rejuvenation.

Our blood is full of rich platelet cells, growth hormones, and several other proteins such as cytokines and other bioactive factors with healing components that work to repair damage in the body.

PRP treatment encourages collagen production, which in turn leaves skin looking plumper, smoother and more youthful.

How does PRP work?

PRP with mesotherapy

You can combine PRP with mesotherapy (hyaluronic acid or vitamins and antioxidants) for optimal results. This involves mixing your rich platelets with micro quantities of hyaluronic acid and plant-based vitamins/minerals to improve many problem areas on the face and body, particularly cellulite, stretch marks and hair loss.

The Harpal way

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At Harpal Clinic, we’re no strangers to blood – our phlebotomy service means that we deal with it all the time. We are also CQC registered for your peace of mind and obsessed with making sure we offer the very best results. As such, we have invested in a unique device, the U225 Meso Injector which enables us to very precisely tailor the volume and depth of injections to the different areas of the face or body. Another benefit of the U225 is that it is a much more comfortable procedure in terms of pain than freehand injections.

We are also able to incorporate additional nutrients into your PRP facial, tailored to your needs like hyaluronic acid, vitamins, minerals and amino acids.

“I had PRP because my skin was looking noticeably tired, dull and quite rough in texture. I didn’t want to have fillers or Botox, and PRP seemed like a good natural alternative. Over time the results have kept on improving, and my friends keep asking me if I’ve had any ‘procedures’ done – I think they mean Botox and fillers but my face to me looks very natural, just less tired! I’m very pleased with the results.” – Sue


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What happens during PRP treatment?
The procedure starts by drawing blood from your arm. Because PRP is developed from your blood, it is safe and free from transmissible disease. We’ll centrifuge your blood sample for 20 minutes whilst you have your topical/local anaesthesia applied where relevant – the centrifuge will separate your red blood cells from the plasma-containing rich platelets. After consultation, the practitioner will proceed by injecting the plasma or plasma/nutrient mix under the skin into problematic areas. The entire procedure takes around an hour.

How many PRP treatments will I need?
For optimal results, we recommend one treatment per month for 3-4 months.

How long does it take to recover from PRP?
Downtime can take anything between 3-7 days – it depends on how quickly your body heals. Do expect bruising in sensitive areas, such as under the eyes or around the nose and mouth.

Can I go to work after PRP?
Straight after the treatment on the face/body, you’ll be able to leave feeling fine. There will be some swelling and redness, which is a normal result of the treatment. We will recommend a suitable healing serum during recovery time. For scalp PRP, your hair will appear wet/matted and we generally recommend that clients go home straight after treatment.

How long until I see results?
For the scalp, you will occasionally start to see results from PRP treatment after 3 months although in most clients, visible results especially for newer, thicker hair growth can be noted in 6-12 months. For the skin, results are visible much sooner, usually starting at around 2-3 weeks with plumper, glowing skin that appears brighter.

How long do PRP injections last? Are PRP results permanent?
Whilst PRP is not permanent, the results are very long-lasting. You can expect to benefit from the treatment for 12-18 months in many clients, although we do recommend annual top ups after the initial round of therapy to maintain and boost the results.

What are the PRP treatment side effects?
PRP is a low-risk treatment, and side effects are usually few and far between. However, you may experience pain and tenderness at the injection site, itching and temporary bleeding.

How much does PRP therapy cost?
Please find details of the cost of PRP treatment below.


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PRP session (1 area) – single treatment

(For example, face or hands or scalp or feet)

Each additional area £250


PRP session (1 area) – course of 3

(For example, face or hands or scalp or feet)

3 x additional areas £450




Aaliyah, Harpal Clinic

Let’s talk about how we can help you
