Benefits of TRT (Testosterone Replacement Therapy)

Most people think of Testosterone replacement therapy as a “Libido and Muscle” therapy. I have however, started noticing a trend of more and more people coming in asking for the lesser known benefits of TRT. These are usually people with normal jobs, family and life, just wanting a better quality of life. So here a little peep into what people are telling me.

Benefits of TRT

  1. My hands and feet are warmer.

  2. I’m much calmer and not so anxious anymore.

  3. I’m able to handle stress better and hence, I feel that I perform better at work.

  4. I have the will and energy to play with my kids again.

  5. I’ve stopped yelling at my kids (as much) and the noise they make does not irritate me the way it used to.

  6. I’m more assertive and stand up for myself a lot more (to the detriment of some partners and co-workers!).

  7. I wake up more refreshed. My sleep has improved.

  8. I’ve put on weight but I’m trimmer (muscle weighs more than fat)

  9. I’ve better hair growth on my face (good for the current facial hair trend but not for all)

  10. Brain function is much better. Everything seems clearer and there is no brain fog anymore.

I decided to write this in the first person as its literally a snippet from different people’s stories. As a practitioner, its very gratifying to hear. It also means that after a while, they forget about harpal clinic- a wonderful thing- as life feels right again. These are on top of the well known benefits of libido enhancement and erectile issues; also the muscle building capacity which is dose dependent. Incidentally, this also applies to women on TRT.

There probably are other contributing factors as well as I tend to manage stress where relevant, at the same time. This is hugely important as both stress hormone and testosterone share similar building blocks. Therefore a ‘steal’ happens whenever more stress hormones need to be built, as they are the more important in hormonal hierarchy. In any case, these snippets are from my 3 month reviews post commencing therapy and its likely to stay the same or improve. Pretty exciting I’d say!

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