Functional Medicine
When it comes to your health, knowledge is king! The more information we have about your body, the more we know about the landscape of your health and the more we can tailor treatment to your precise needs.
If you can think of it, it’s very likely that we will offer it. In fact, we offer most types of testing (including more niche functional tests available in the UK, USA and Germany). We are very thorough and detail-oriented which is what sets us apart from other clinics.
Testing is usually recommended on an ‘as needed’ basis for most patients. However, you may prefer to do comprehensive testing of multiple systems in which case, your Harpal Clinic doctor can advise you appropriately.
Most tests require serum, saliva, urine, stool or finger prick.
Some of the more common things we test are as follows:
… but this is by no means an exhaustive list!
To measure the level of ‘free’ and ‘total’ hormones, including sex hormones, precursor hormones, growth hormones, salivary or urine or salivary adrenal hormones, thyroid (including antibodies), and many more.
The Dried Urine Test for Comprehensive Hormones is really useful for giving a detailed picture of the cortisol and sex hormones, as well as inflammation and some key organic acids and nutrients.
Detailed testing which not only covers pathological microbes but also covers the good guys. Most tests will also look at inflammation, immune status and digestion.
These tests can help us to uncover and pinpoint the cause of many intolerances that may be affecting your health, for example, causing inflammation, gut issues and weight gain.
The Organic Acids Test, otherwise known as the OAT test, is one of many metabolic tests we offer. It gives a picture of metabolic health and can help pinpoint the cause of inflammation, gut dysfunction and more.
We work with a few labs as each lab has expertise in reporting different body systems, including result interpretation. Your Harpal Clinic doctor will advise you accordingly depending on what suits your needs.
Due to differences in individual lab methodologies, units and reference ranges, we do not accept serum testing from other labs.
If you require a second opinion for functional tests from other labs or clinics, we can provide that for a fee. A written report can also be provided if needed.