
Longevity Medicine

Start Your Longevity Medicine Journey For £225

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Book your longevity medicine foundation consultation with our doctor today

Our foundation consultation is just £225 and will be fully deducted from the cost of your selected longevity consultation pathway.

This consultation option allows you to connect with a longevity doctor, who will review your medical history, longevity goals, and answer your longevity-related questions. You will also receive a written doctor’s report which will recommend the most suitable longevity pathway and test types based on your clinical assessment.

You do not have to commit to a full pathway and are welcome to continue your journey independently, though we would be truly sorry to see you go.

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We are on Harper’s Bazaar’s best longevity clinic list!

What is it?

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The longevity medicine foundation consultation is the first step in your longevity relationship with us and allows us to signpost the next steps for you.

When you trust someone with your healthspan over the longer term, you want to know that they are right for you in terms of knowledge, passion for the subject matter, and even a great personality fit – you should be excited to see your longevity doctor! This is a great opportunity to do so.

Longevity is a continually evolving field and the longevity medicine foundation consultation is your chance to explore and understand more, discover if we are a good fit, and dip your toe in the water before going ahead with testing and a specific longevity pathway.

How does it work?

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Step 1

Longevity medicine patients need to complete our longevity medicine foundation consultation

You can purchase this as a standalone service and will be provided with a personalised foundation longevity plan based on your consultation. There is no obligation to continue your longevity journey with us and the report can be used to continue your journey independently once you’ve gained more insight and know which tests would be most useful for you.

Please note: if you are advised to take any prescriptions or complete any testing you will need to move onto one of our pathways below to obtain these items.

Step 2

Once you’ve completed your longevity medicine foundation consultation and would like to continue your journey with us, you will continue with the next steps of your specific longevity pathway. Choose from:

The cost of your longevity medicine foundation consultation will be deducted from your chosen pathway type.

We guarantee

  • Honest, unbiased guidance by some seriously passionate people
  • You don’t need to commit to a larger consult and can complete your journey independently (though we will be very sad to see you go)
  • The cost of your longevity medicine foundation consultation is deducted from your pathway if you choose to go ahead with us
  • You only pay for the service you choose to have
  • Established since 2013, you will benefit from the expertise we have gained over 10 years of being the lead in this field

What’s included and how much does it cost?

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The longevity medicine foundation consultation includes:

40 minute consultation with your longevity medicine doctor which covers:

  • Your longevity goals
  • Medical history
  • Family history
  • How much time and energy you are able to invest in achieving your longevity goals (this really makes a difference!)
  • A realistic discussion about what is achievable within your budget
  • What you’d like to accomplish at different points in your longevity journey
  • Answers to longevity medicine or healthy ageing questions you may have
  • An idea of the type of journey you can expect and how to optimise it

Written doctor’s report which covers:

  • Which longevity test(s) would be most appropriate based on clinical observations, previous tests (if any) and your own personal goals as discussed in your consultation
  • The specific pathway your doctor thinks would be most appropriate for you based on an assessment of information given in your consultation, signposting you to the next steps


  • Post-consultation patient care team support via email and phone call

Cost: £225

Book your foundation longevity medicine consultation online

Discover more about our longevity medicine pathways

Focussed consultation

Covers one core concern and may identify other areas which could be indirectly affecting the main issue.

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Covers a wide range of concerns and is a more suitable option for complete health optimisation or if you have multiple or complex health problems.

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Membership (tiers 1-3)

A structured plan that covers all aspects of longevity, structured to reflect the latest research and best practice available in the UK.

Read more

You may like to have a look at our example patient journeys here.

Aaliyah, Harpal Clinic

Book your longevity medicine foundation consultation online now

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